~ The Tantra Sacred Dance Teacher Trainings, Retreats and Workshops ~
‘I have been journeying, dancing and loving into the sacred divine feminine for 3 weeks on the Tantra Sacred Dance TTC, and what I have remembered, reclaimed and healed, has been a truly powerful life changing experience. I am now functioning from a place, that before this course, was displaced/lost in me for a while now. I feel whole, renewed and empowered as I stand in my truth as a beautiful divine woman. The changes feel so powerful, that there will be changes in my service offerings. Vibha's radiant gaze alone transmits a welcoming home, a place of divine essence. Her Tantra Sacred Dance Teacher training course is an essential journey for all us women. Vibha holds impeccably a healing transformative space, which allows everyone to embrace God/Goddess/The Divine. I am humbled and so grateful for you Vibha, your work, your truth, your gifts, the transmissions. For what you are doing for the healing of the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine through the Tantra Sacred Dance is
a gift to humanity. ‘
~ Lari, UK
‘So overwhelmed with love and gratitude . This teacher training in Tantric Sacred Dance has been mind blowing! Deep communion with the divine , rapid transformation , beautiful transmissions and most of all a clear sign of moving away from the old and into the new. So want to shout out about my beautiful Tantra Sacred Dance Teacher Deva Vibha, she is a force of Divine Light , bringing this sacred Temple dance back to birth the Divine Feminine in all the women it touches !! My dear Teacher, Deva Vibha ~ You are an inspiration. Your whole life dedication to work in truth and love shines out of your soul . Thank you!’
~ Collette, UK
'I experienced the transmission of such extraordinary divine feminine energy that I don’t even have words to express it.
I'm really grateful for this experience and believe that more women should have access to Vibha's teachings as she holds enormous power and wisdom.'
~ Julita, Spain
'The training was a really fun, transformative, and life changing experience for me. After the training I now feel myself more feminine, more healed, empowered, whole and confident as a woman. I feel like after years of many kind of spiritual processes and transformations that I've experienced, something was still missing that through this training has been completed. I found Tantra Sacred Dance a very powerful practice. It has tremendous potential for transmitting cosmic energy. I loved so much being moved by the Divine. My hopes for the training were fulfilled beyond hopes, beyond words! Most of all, I appreciate my dear teacher, Vibha. Her graceful being, her work, her truth, her devotion to bring the Divine Light on the Earth and into each of us. She is very inspiring for me and for all the women to remember again and empower our beautiful shining true essence. I loved that she shared her experience, knowledge and light with us from her whole heart in a very kind, authentic and encouraging way. She really held a very safe and sacred space.'
~ Devin, Istanbul, Turkey​
'Beyond words - amazing! So deep and powerful. Vibha's presence of acceptance and love transmitted the essence of the dance and tantra so beautifully. All of the meditation techniques were very heart and soul opening and supported the sacred dance perfectly. The sacred container she created for the dance training allowed us to dive very deeply. Thank you from the core of my heart and soul.'
~ Jaial, USA
‘I appreciated sooooo many things about the training. What I loved and appreciated above all was that this training was taught by Vibha with whom I am totally in awe and in love with after this training. I loved that she put her whole heart and soul into giving us the best transmission she possibly could. How she shared her personal experiences with us from her heart. How she always looked at us with such love, support and blessings in her eyes; this would melt my heart, make me feel precious and make me deeply willing to look at myself, at others and at the whole world with the same eyes.’
~ Carole, France
‘It’s an incredible blessing to have been initiated and graduated as a Tantra Sacred Dance teacher with Ma Deva Vibha. The Dance has incredibly transformative and empowering effects on the body,mind and soul. Having lived with Tantra Master Osho, for almost 3 decades, my teacher has dedicated her life to this work and equipped me with a suitcase of beautiful meditations and practices to share with women across the world! The vision is to uncover the incredible, unique and divine essence which exists within us all. To expand the heart beyond boundaries and to love not only others, yourself and life more deeply but to become love itself. To embody it.The dance teaches us how to hold these higher frequencies which sets us on the path to living our most beautiful great potential!’
~ Henika, UK
'Attending this course has been one of the best decisions of my life. I enjoyed the training and time I was able to spend with my sisters immensely. Vibha is a wonderful teacher with tremendous amounts of knowledge and experience. Her course taught me so much about myself and how to help other women connect with their inner goddess. Thank you so much, Vibha, for pouring your heart and soul into your work. Thank you for your openness, authenticity, your nurturing hugs, encouraging smile, and wonderful teachings. I wish every woman would get the chance to work with you and bask in your beautiful energy.'
~ Tanja, Austria
‘The Tantra Sacred Dance Teacher Training was a beautiful 21 days process and training with the exquisite Deva Vibha; such a truly soft and feminine guide and teacher to us. Less about filling our minds with more knowledge, she gave us each day techniques for us to experience for ourselves, to find ourselves through the deepening magical place we as women forget- through the wisdom of our wombs. By the 21st day what a deepening- no denying the possibility for transformation when held with fellow sacred sisters!’
~ Sarah, UK
‘I had the privilege to attend an workshop with Deva Vibha on Tantra Sacred Dance for Women. As each woman who was there dropped into her dance, I was so moved..so touched by the beauty of divine essence moving through her in such a pure, unique way, .. there was also a sense of remembering. Yes, my sisters. Yes. We used to do this and were deeply honoured for it. For our capacity to embody Goddess. Yes. This is what I've been doing alone for years. This is what I used to do in the temples. When I finished my own dance, I cried. Tears of joy, heart opening, relief, home-coming, gratitude... to have been witnessed with recognition and reverence for opening myself to Shakti's sacred flow. filled with Shakti spirit, being consumed and given over to Her entirely and making love with life itself. To anyone who is called, I highly recommend you take Deva Vibha's Tantra Sacred Dance Teacher Training. I would if I could. What a remarkably gracious woman, who utterly embodies the Divine Feminine and has so much wisdom and light to share! Namaste'
~ Beverly, UK
‘Attending Vibha's workshops, classes and private sessions changed my life in many ways. It gave me a confidence and it gave me a space inside I can always return to and feel supported. I feel more feminine. The techniques recharge me when I'm feeling stressed. They bring out my goddess essence and I feel more whole. I learned a lot. I know I now have tools to transform my life. I know I have a solution. She introduced me to something sacred and awesome.’
~ Ania , London , UK
'As a teacher, Vibha has a very healing and loving presence. She is so kind. I felt very safe to express my feelings and truly be my true self in her presence. I felt her ability to hold space for each person to be who they really are who attends her classes and workshops. She embodies feminine radiance. She is a beautiful example of just allowing our radiance and love to shine out of us and allow others to have their radiance. I just felt like she has a lot of wisdom and kindness to share. These techniques I have learned from Vibha are so valuable for me. I feel so grateful to have experienced her teachings and I hope others will also be able to experience her work.’
- Katie, USA
'I find the dance a powerful practice. I feel it has a great potential for personal growth, unfolding and transformation, especially as a woman - it's what I'm looking for! Vibha brings a beautiful presence and energy to the group. She holds the space in a simple yet sensitive way and is always so encouraging and appreciative. She is such a living example of what the dance can help us find, as she is embodying great depth, power and sensitivity in her dance and being.’
- Satu, London
‘After being fed with yummy chocolate, scented and purified with Aura Soma and goddess's loving touch, after a sensuous dancing and massage last night, feeling my inner goddess is emerging with even more juice and love to existence. Only now I realize how necessary for me it is to connect with other goddesses, be in this so exquisite, powerful/soft, heart energy to balance my yin and yang and enter a bliss. Vibha is one of those very rare, very precious souls that I met in my life. If you have a chance to attend her groups, go for it, lucky ones! When an oasis appears and while it lasts, seek it, and while it is there, drink of it- it is very very rare.'
- Premamani, UK
~ Testimonials from Men and Women's Tantra Retreats & Workshops ~
'This workshop was by far the most transformative and magical experience I have ever lived. I feel blessed that in these 3 days I reached the awareness that I am enough and that it is absolutely okay to be me. It opened a new world to me and life will have a new taste thanks to these new heart-blowing practices! Tantra is magical and to be able to share such deep experiences with the same group for three days is truly a blessing. We were all strangers to each other and Vibha created a container in which we all felt so safe that we quickly opened our hearts to each other in a way I didn't think was possible. Now I go out of this workshop with a family, a group of people for whom I feel the purest love and to whom I can show my true self, in all my vulnerability, passion and love!'
~ Julian
'Vibha...in these wonderful days of full immersion into Tantra with you, you gifted me a whole new way of experiencing life. A whole new depth of feeling. I have touched other souls. I have expanded my heart to the space of unconditional love. I feel alive. Í feel full. I feel connected. I have experienced an amount of energy that I never had before. I am an explosion of Love. Thank you for creating the space for this truly transformative experience, I am so grateful.'
~ Andrea
'I had the profound pleasure of participating in this Tantra workshop led by the deeply mindful and compassionate Vibha. A safe and nurturing space was held effortlessly and with unwavering care by her throughout the journey. This workshop, though just three days long, was profoundly transformative, deeply rooted in wisdom, and truly beautiful. For some, it was even life-changing. Thank you, Vibha, for this extraordinary gift.'
~ Andreas